It all started with a bizzarre twit by the Real Donald Trump, a.k.a the president of the United States of America:
A surge of funny internet memes followed. Among the best were:
The Toy story reference -
The Nuclear Weapons launch code joke:
The Obama related hack -
Even the queen of England got involved -
And the expected Star Wars reference -
As well as some true forms of art, which are worth clicking and checking at source -
the hashtag surely will be relevant for a few more days.
But what about the incident ? and its meanings? and its historical significance ?
Trump has already deleted it from his twitter. Then, instead, added a following twit:
Afterwards, his spokesperson, Sean Spicer claimed that Convfefe is an inside joke that "a small group of people" understand.
So, we are left with a cryptic message and the repeating notion that the president of the United States of America does not think he owes it to the American public to be completely straightforward. Even if his conduct is less than comprehensible.
It is safe to assume it shall linger as another of those moments of the trump administration
that in any other time would have been seriously treated, but in this day and age,
are just joined to the pile of accumulating information that is moving the general description of this regime from peculiar to bothersome
But these bothersome moments are not as bothering as the real things, that happen behind the smoke cloud of convfefe-like vents. Such is the attempt to break the senate majority rule.
This democratic balance machinery is crucial for the ongoing maintenance of a majority consensus. Trump's inability to reach such a consensus, despite his alleged abilities as a negotiator, is a real warning bell for this administration.
Don't know about the 51 majority initiaitive ?
And that is bad news for America.
But when America deals with confefe, instead of the 51 majority initiative, that is very bad news for the democracy of this country, and for any other democracy in the world, seeing how an ancient bearer of the least worst of all forms of government, is slowly bringing down her banner.
A surge of funny internet memes followed. Among the best were:
The Toy story reference -
The Nuclear Weapons launch code joke:
The Obama related hack -
Even the queen of England got involved -
And the expected Star Wars reference -
As well as some true forms of art, which are worth clicking and checking at source -
- One that related intentional confusion to Trump
- One that stresses the serious side of the meaningless twit
- and One that deals with the psycological reasons for this convfefe surge of interpretations
the hashtag surely will be relevant for a few more days.
But what about the incident ? and its meanings? and its historical significance ?
Trump has already deleted it from his twitter. Then, instead, added a following twit:
Afterwards, his spokesperson, Sean Spicer claimed that Convfefe is an inside joke that "a small group of people" understand.
So, we are left with a cryptic message and the repeating notion that the president of the United States of America does not think he owes it to the American public to be completely straightforward. Even if his conduct is less than comprehensible.
It is safe to assume it shall linger as another of those moments of the trump administration
that in any other time would have been seriously treated, but in this day and age,
are just joined to the pile of accumulating information that is moving the general description of this regime from peculiar to bothersome
But these bothersome moments are not as bothering as the real things, that happen behind the smoke cloud of convfefe-like vents. Such is the attempt to break the senate majority rule.
This democratic balance machinery is crucial for the ongoing maintenance of a majority consensus. Trump's inability to reach such a consensus, despite his alleged abilities as a negotiator, is a real warning bell for this administration.
Don't know about the 51 majority initiaitive ?
"Current Senate rules mandate that 60 senators -- three-fifths of the 100-member Senate -- must agree in order to end debate and move forward to a vote on a measure or piece of legislation -- a process known as invoking cloture. The Senate, however, has invoked the so-called "nuclear option" in the past to get certain nominations -- most recently of note Supreme Court nominee Neil Gorsuch -- through the Senate by a simple majority vote, but there is currently no method for doing so with legislation."Trump wants to change that.
And that is bad news for America.
But when America deals with confefe, instead of the 51 majority initiative, that is very bad news for the democracy of this country, and for any other democracy in the world, seeing how an ancient bearer of the least worst of all forms of government, is slowly bringing down her banner.
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